1、“华尔街客”们肯定是衷心的 英式足球 粉丝,因为他们都是原则导向管理的拥趸。
2、“ 英式足球 是一门好生意,不过它不能被拿来盈利”,他表示。
3、English football clubs are not just teams; they are institutions that are deeply ingrained in their local communities, providing a sense of belonging and pride.
4、English football has a rich history, with its roots dating back to the 19th century, and has since evolved into a beloved national sport that brings people together.
5、English football has a way of uniting people from all walks of life, transcending cultural and social barriers, as supporters stand side by side, cheering for their teams.
6、English football has become a cornerstone of British culture, with match days being a cherished tradition for families and friends to come together and enjoy the game.
7、English football has become a global phenomenon, captivating fans from around the world, who tune in to watch and experience the magic of the beautiful game.
8、English football has produced legendary players who have become household names, such as David Beckham, Bobby Charlton, and Alan Shearer.
9、FPC包括 英式足球 的全部规则,如角球、掷界外球、球门发球、处罚、犯规、判罚出场和换人。
10、From grassroots to professional leagues, English football provides opportunities for players of all ages and abilities to showcase their talent and love for the game.
11、The dedication and professionalism of English football players is evident in their relentless pursuit of excellence on the pitch, pushing themselves to their limits.
12、The dedication and unwavering support of English football fans can be seen in their commitment to attend matches rain or shine, creating an incredible atmosphere in the stands.
13、The distinct style of play in English football, characterized by its physicality and fast-paced nature, captivates both players and spectators alike.
14、The fierce rivalry between teams like Manchester United and Manchester City adds an extra level of intensity to English football matches.
15、The iconic stadiums, such as Wembley and Old Trafford, are steeped in tradition and hold a special place in the hearts of English football fans.
16、The legacy of English football extends beyond the pitch, inspiring future generations to pursue their dreams and never give up, no matter the odds.
17、The resilience and determination displayed by English football players during tough matches is an inspiration to anyone facing challenges in their own lives.
18、The sense of camaraderie among English football fans is unmatched, as they come together to support their favorite teams, creating an unbreakable bond.
19、The sheer joy and elation that accompanies a victory in English football is a feeling that cannot be replicated, creating memories that last a lifetime.
20、The unique chants and songs that echo through English football stadiums are a testament to the passion and pride that fans have for their clubs.
21、Whether it's a last-minute goal or a thrilling penalty shootout, English football is known for its nail-biting moments that keep fans on the edge of their seats.
22、除了制定规则,这个协会还为球赛取了一个正式的名称: 英式足球 。
23、传统的国家体育项目是摔跤运动,受欢迎的体育项目包括 英式足球 、摔跤、在特殊场合举行的传统的马背上的比赛。
24、但在中国,我们不叫它 英式足球 。
25、对举重、形体塑造、三项全能运动及所有种类的体育感兴趣者,尤其是足球、棒球或 英式足球 球员,通常均是这一性质。
26、还有一个在酱油厂工作的男人,有一次我去他家,他给我做黏糊糊的意大利面食,还硬要我看 英式足球 比赛,他睡觉的时候还说梦话,乱踢被。
27、吉列也让其与其他运动员的合约结束,包括 英式足球 运动员梅西;蒂埃里亨利以及卡卡,作为市场营销计划的部分结论。
28、卡罗尔是 英式足球 中最炙手可热的前锋,而在世界杯以及看到他在阿贾克斯的表现之后,苏亚雷斯也上了每支球队的购买清单。
29、流行的体育运动是 英式足球 和篮球。
30、没有什么游戏是最好的,不过我喜欢 英式足球 。
31、美式足球起源于英国,由 英式足球 和橄榄球两种运动结合发展而来。
32、你的左手说,"我们一起,我们一起去踢 英式足球 ,好吗?"。
33、欧式足球又称 英式足球 ,起源于古代中国。
34、如果美国能够不断培育出像他的球员, 英式足球 将会大有所为。
35、是的,但是我的朋友说你用脚踢 英式足球 ,所以叫足球。
36、虽然有些时候变化可能比较小,比如探访亲戚、加入一支新的 英式足球 队,或是去参加一个新的露营;而一些变化较大的,像搬新家或者在暑期结束的时候进入一所新的学校。
37、现代 英式足球 随着1863年英国足联的建立而诞生。
38、现在,万人钟爱的双塔已经被拆除,替代者是133米高的拱门,这是2007年春季启用的新温布利球场的标志。到新球场开放时为止, 英式足球 已经在这里绝迹了七年之久。
39、 英式足球 几乎不允许身体接触,严禁用手带球,只有守门员可以在比赛中用手碰球。
40、这幅地图下面显示,阿波罗11号宇航员曾获动过的地方仅相当于一个 英式足球 场大小。
41、正如古老谚语中曾经说过的那样:要想在 英式足球 上发财,需要购买一个大俱乐部,然后大笔烧钱。
阅读 (9)
1 英年早逝造句阅读 (11)
2 英年造句阅读 (9)
3 英式足球造句阅读 (10)
4 英式造句阅读 (11)
5 英才造句阅读 (8)
6 英挺造句阅读 (9)
7 英文单词造句阅读 (9)
8 英文名造句阅读 (9)
9 英文字母造句阅读 (10)
10 英文网造句