put up the moneyput up the money

put up the money

put up the money (意思翻译)


put up the money (相似词语短语)

1、put up the tree───把树竖起来

2、put the───把钥匙放好

3、put up up───竖起

4、put money───放钱

5、the money───钱

6、put up the tent───搭帐篷

7、put up───张贴;提供;建造;举起;提高;推举,提名;供给…住宿;直接行动

8、put up the map───把地图挂起来

9、put money on───v.在…上打赌

put up the money (双语使用场景)

1、The plan for the war are all prepared, but who will put up the money ?───这场战争的计划都准备好了,可是谁来出钱呢?

2、The plans for the new theatre are all prepared, but who will put up the money ?───修建新剧院的计划都准备好了,但谁来提供资金呢?

3、Yet if a recapitalisation of a substantial number of eurozone banks were needed, some member states might be unable to put up the money .───不过,如果必须对大量欧元区银行进行资本重组,一些成员国可能也无法提供资金。

4、Edinburgh and Glasgow competed to put up the most money.───爱丁堡和格拉斯哥竞相筹措至多的资金。

5、He promise to put up the money for the scheme.───他承诺为该计划提供资金。

6、He promised to put up the money for the scheme.───他许诺要为这项计划提供资金。

7、The gentry and merchants who had put up the money for the expedition received three hundred percent profit and pleaded to underwrite his next corsair voyage.───曾经资助他出海的贵族和商人们惊喜于三倍的财富回报,纷纷主动热忱预定继续参与赞助下一次的海盗之旅。

8、It may not be pretty, but apparently Wall Street has decided that the price won't be too steep. Or else, it would have put up the money .───这听起来可能有点吓人,但华尔街显然已经认定届时的拍卖价格不会低得离谱。要不然,他们早就投钱收购了。

9、I married him the next week, gave up my business, sold my house, put all my money into stocks and moved to LA.───第二周我们结婚了。我放弃事业,卖掉房子,把所有现金投入股市,然后迁居洛杉矶。

put up the money (英语使用场景)

1、He managed to persuade his friend to put up the money for the venture.

2、A group of Texas businessmen would put up the money to bury the broadcast, he said.

3、So he decided to put up the money out of his own pocket.