throw over the wall (意思翻译)
throw over the wall (相似词语短语)
1、over the wall───翻墙;越狱
2、over the over───一个接一个
3、throw over───vi.放弃,变换;抛弃;拒绝;使覆盖;放弃,背弃
4、the wall───黑道风云; [电影]墙
5、over the───越过
6、the throw me───把我扔出去
7、the over───结束
8、throw the ball───[体]抛球
throw over the wall (双语使用场景)
1、A lamp had been knocked over, and the throw rug was wadded against one wall.───一具灯台倒着,小地毯卷靠在墙边。
2、neighbors throw things over the garden wall just to spite us.───邻里们隔着墙将东西扔进花园里就是要欺负我们。