fantastic factsfantastic facts

fantastic facts

fantastic facts (意思翻译)


fantastic facts (相似词语短语)


2、fantastic feeling───奇妙的感觉

3、fantastic news───好消息


5、mr fantastic───神奇先生

6、fantastic city───神奇的城市

7、fantastic view───奇异的景色;迷人的风光

8、fantastic player───出色的球员

9、fantastic opportunity───绝佳的机会

fantastic facts (双语使用场景)

1、Eventually, Whorf's theory crash-landed on hard facts and solid common sense, when it transpired that there had never actually been any evidence to support his fantastic claims.───最终,当沃尔夫的理论由于实际上缺乏任何可以支持他的大胆宣言的证据而慢慢失去威力时,沃尔夫的理论翅膀狠狠地摔在残酷的事实和坚实的大众意识上而惨遭折翅。

2、How to Do Everything is a fantastic and unique combination of reference material, fun facts, exciting activities and instructions for life.───如何做一切”是的参考材料,有趣的事实,令人兴奋的活动和对生命的奇妙和独特的指令组合。