acc (意思翻译)
abbr.(美)空中管制中心 (Air Control Center);活性碳酸钙 (Activated Calcium Carbonate)
acc (相似词语短语)
1、instructors acc───讲师acc
2、acc dent───凹痕
3、acc depr───会计折旧
4、amb acc───amb acc公司
5、meter acc───仪表acc
acc (双语使用场景)
1、But the ACC recently annoyed anti-corruption campaigners by settling a scandal over the state social-security agency out of court.───但是,肃贪委员会最近在法庭之外私下解决国家社会保险局的丑闻,惹恼了反贪腐的社运人士。
2、Thanks to the work of others, the general form finding methods are reviewed and introduced, also compared acc . . .───本文对目前结构找形的主要方法进行了较为详细回顾与介绍,并对各种方法的优劣作了相应的比较。
3、Sand and dirt storm disaster is such a weather which acc urged in the drought, simi-drought and simi-wetness areas.───沙尘暴天气是主要发生于干旱、半干旱乃至半湿润地区天气现象。
4、During this exercise there was no tape recording of actions of ACC.───在这次的演习中,机场指挥中心的行动没有任何记录仪进行记录。
5、The city council had recently authorized the company to pave an acc e way along the road verge.───市政府最近授权给这家公司铺设马路边上的通道。
6、ACC tightness is one of the key targets to examine the power plant unit, it directly influences the units of economic operation.───汽轮机真空XiTong严密性是考核汽轮发电机组的主要经济技术指标之一,它直接影响机组的经济运行。
7、Prof. Huo: We see a lot of new trials and new technology from the ACC meeting.───霍勇教授:我们从ACC 年会了解到很多新的试验和技术。
8、ASL is used separately rather than together with the Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) system.───美国手语是单独使用,而不是一起自适应巡航控制XiTong( acc )XiTong。
9、What are the other teams in the ACC conference?───在 ACC 联盟里的其它队伍是什么?