

spheroid (意思翻译)


spheroid (相似词语短语)










spheroid (双语使用场景)

1、The earth is an oblate spheroid - a sphere with flattened poles and a slight bulge at the equator.───地球是一个扁平的球体—一个具有扁平的两极和赤道附近稍稍凸出的球体。

2、The zinc titanate micro-nano photocatalysis material has a spheroid structure with a plurality of protrusions.───所述的钛酸锌微纳光催化材料,为具有多个突起的球状体结构。

3、It looked like a sphere but on closer examination I saw it was really a spheroid .───它看起来是圆形,但仔细观察后发现它实际上是回转椭球体。

4、Spheroid colonies culture is one of the main methods in culturing liver cells to maintain high density and bio function for a long time.───球形聚集体培养作为肝细胞培养的主要方式之一,旨在达到高密度、维持长时间生物活性的目标。

5、Moons massive enough for their surfaces to have collapsed into a spheroid are highlighted in light blue and bolded.───质量足够大而能坍缩成近球体的卫星以粗体列出。底色紫色的为主群卫星;

6、A projection is defined as any orderly system whereby the meridians and parallels of the spheroid may be represented on a plane .───投影是一种有规律的方法,用来把椭球面上的子午圈和平行圈映射在一个平面上。

7、The earth is a spheroid and not a sphere.───地球是一个椭球而非球体。

8、Can swipe the spheroid clean on the sharp valve seat edge at the time of each operation.───每次Cao作锋利的阀座边缘都可以把球体刮擦干净。

spheroid (英语使用场景)

1、Having the shape of a spheroid generated by rotating an ellipse about its longer axis.

2、The earth is an oblate spheroid - a sphere with flattened poles and a slight bulge the equator.

3、The earth is a spheroid and not a sphere.

4、The Earth is a spheroid .

5、In mechanical terms, the head is an elliptical spheroid with a single universal joint, the neck.

6、Based on experiment and collection of the spheroid container ball slice to model data, a new method is proposed to the shell plate and descends to anticipate using one calculation method.

7、A prolate spheroid is generated by revolving an ellipse about its major axis.

8、The gate ball spheroid number currently in effect is to use Arabic numeral to express.

9、Spheroid, all ball game ses, mostly round ball form!