from wall to wall (意思翻译)
from wall to wall (相似词语短语)
2、wall mount───壁挂式
3、diathermic wall───绝热壁
4、exploded wall───爆炸墙
5、party wall to wall───一墙之隔的聚会
6、wall to wall───遍地皆是
7、unscalable wall───不可伸缩墙
8、crannied wall───裂缝墙
9、wall art───n.(Wallart)人名;(法)瓦拉尔
from wall to wall (双语使用场景)
1、He lit the candle, and all at once the room was filled with light from wall to wall . From ceiling to floor!───“瞧吧,”小弟说。他点燃了蜡烛,房间从这边到那边,从天花板到地上,一下子全都充满了光亮!
2、Fills up the famer's lane from wall to wall ,───他也不顾农民的叹息,从屋到屋,
3、Rotate the wall art from wall to wall every two weeks.───每两星期每面墙循环放这些艺术作品。
4、Options: Take photos from wall-to-wall or points of the compass.───选项:采取的照片从墙到墙或点的指南针。
5、The only problem is that it has carpet from wall to wall , so people would have to be careful not to spill things.───唯一的问题是房子里的地毯是连着墙的,所以人们就得小心别把东西搞的到处都是。
6、The only problem is that it has carpet from wall to wall .───唯一的问题是,它的地毯和墙壁相联。
from wall to wall (英语使用场景)
1、It is 157 feet high and the amphitheatre from wall to wall is 620 by 513 feet, the largest in existence.
2、The tick of the Edwardian wall-clock bounced from wall to wall .
3、When the alcove was a large serge curtain drawn from wall to wall concealed the altar.
4、He used to practise heading, flicking the ball from wall to wall , as he sat there, a constipated schoolboy.
5、One contained a great still lake, and they crossed it along a rock-bridge that sprang dizzily from wall to wall .
6、The sound swelled, bounced from wall to wall , was projected down at her from the roof.