oc coc c

oc c

oc c (意思翻译)

abbr.开路特性 (Open Circuit Characteristic);偶然的(等于occasional)

oc c (相似词语短语)

1、exp oc───经验成本

2、emmetropia oc───正视眼

3、c c───abbr.复写的副本 (Carbon Copy);通信中心 (Communication Center);ZhongYangWeiYuan会 (Central Committee);商会 (Chamberof Commerce)

4、browed oc───你的名字

5、axolotl oc───轴洛特oc

6、oc tuner───oc调谐器

7、oc m r───oc m r

8、oc ane───环己烷

9、oc───abbr.检查局 (Off Censorship);指挥官 (Off Commanding)

oc c (双语使用场景)

1、Paul Zwillenberg of OC&C, a firm of consultants, reckons that almost 70 British local newspapers have shut since the beginning of 2008.───保罗•兹韦伦勃格,现工作于一家咨询公司OC&C,估计从2008年初起,有近70家英国当地报纸倒闭。

2、The main reason more local papers have not collapsed, says Paul Zwillenberg of OC&C, a consultancy, is that they were cushioned by large operating margins.───的一位咨询员Paul Zwillenberg说道,阻止更多报业关门的一个主要原因是那些报纸有比较大的利润空间来做缓冲。