garden of sense (意思翻译)
garden of sense (相似词语短语)
1、sense of direction───目标明确;方向感
2、sense of art───艺术感
3、sense of humor───幽默感,幽默
4、sense of balance───平衡感;平衡觉
5、make sense of───v.搞清…的意思
6、sense of humour───幽默感
8、sense of timing───[体]时间感觉
9、sense of duty───n.责任感,责任心;n.责任感;责任心
garden of sense (双语使用场景)
1、broad sense, the success of the Kabul Women's Garden is an admission of failure.───广泛意义上来讲,喀布尔女性花园的成功从另一个角度来看也意味着一种失败。
2、The aim of the project of factory transformation is to offer a homeland in spiritualspace, mold the sense of belonging, and build a garden to relax and rest, enjoy the recreation in creation.───本厂房改造的目标,就是能够为工作者提供一个神性空间中的家园,塑造归属感,营造一个可以放松休憩的园林,在紧张工作的同时,享受休闲的乐趣。
3、Terrace zones, which offer a mix of functions in a garden setting, mark the different vertical sections of the house, with the sense of intimacy growing towards the top of the building.───的平台划分出楼体纵向上的不同区段,这些区段紧密联在一起向上生长,而每个平台都综合了不同的功能和花园的设置。