stone figure (意思翻译)
stone figure (相似词语短语)
1、receding figure───后退图形
2、fordo figure───福尔多图形
3、hidden figure───隐藏图形
4、stick figure───= matchstick figure;粗线条刻画的人物;人物线条画
5、public figure───n.社会名人; 人士;n.公众人物
7、figure ios───图ios
9、figure skating───花样滑冰;花式溜冰
stone figure (双语使用场景)
1、Now we have been in Bailixia. Please look, between the mountain ridge, there is a vivid and remarkable stone figure which is the first scene called Fairy Guide.───现在我们已经进入百里峡景区内,大家顺着我手指的方向看,两个山脊之间有一石人仙官,这就是进入百里峡景区的第一个景点“仙官指路”,它形象逼真,栩栩如生。
2、The sculptor carved a figure of a sitting boy out of stone.───这位雕刻家用石头雕刻了一尊坐着的男童像。
3、Stone: Trey said crab people, and we joked about how dumb it was. But we couldn't figure out anything better.───斯通:特雷说的“蟹族”,我们还笑这也太ErBi了吧。但我们想不出什么更好的点子了。