

gaiter (意思翻译)


gaiter (相似词语短语)

1、gaiter scarf───取下十个黑桃。

2、gaiter neck───大于

3、gaiter face mask───面罩

4、gaiter masks for kids───儿童口罩

5、gaiter mask───面罩

6、gaiter face mask pattern───绑腿面罩图案

7、corrections gaiter───盖特校正

gaiter (双语使用场景)

1、Then, wear a scarf, neck gaiter , or bandanna around your neck, mouth, and nose.───再戴一条围巾,围脖或者丝巾遮住你的脖子、嘴和鼻子。

2、Gaiter hook for snowshoe performance.───绑腿雪鞋的表现挂钩。

3、Extended gaiter for added leg protection from elements and ski edges.───添加元素和滑雪边缘的腿保护扩展绑腿。

4、asbestos gaiter reinforced with laminated bamboo───石棉竹片护腿

5、Wear a scarf, neck gaiter , or bandanna around your neck, mouth, and nose.───戴一条围巾,围脖或者色彩鲜艳的头巾遮住你的脖子、嘴和鼻子。

6、I didn't notice any difference in how warm my ankles or feet got when I went running with only one gaiter on, for comparison.───为了进行对比,我在跑步时只穿上一只鞋罩,结果并未发觉两脚的脚踝或脚部的热度有何不同。

7、Gaiter-compatible D-ring to secure gaiter to boot for added protection from debris and moisture.───绑腿兼容的D型环,安全绑腿从杂物和水分的补充保护引导。

gaiter (英语使用场景)

1、Yeti gaiter s are made by Berghaus to fit their boots.

2、These gaiter s cover the whole boot and have a rubber rand which gives a watertight seal.

3、In the farmhouse he practised putting on the gaiter s and found it a struggle.

4、With his highly polished boots and gaiter s, corduroy trousers and tweed jacket, he looked the epitome of authority.

5、Moderators still continue to wear the gaiter s and lace when there is no rule to say they must.

6、Gaiters are normally fastened by a zip at the back, but there are some with a front zip.

7、Gaiter hook for snowshoe performance.

8、The legs were clumsily encased in gaiter s.

9、Belt loops and gaiter with gripper elastic.