
cv. (意思翻译)

abbr.简历 (Curriculum Vitae)

cv. (相似词语短语)

1、wonder cv───奇迹简历

2、passant cv───通行cv

3、template cv───模板cv

4、cv cc───简历cc

5、pneumatics cv───气动cv

6、epidemiologist cv───流行病学家简历

7、matrimony cv───婚姻履历

8、exhaustive cv───详尽简历

9、drafted cv───起草简历

cv. (双语使用场景)

1、If you fit the bill, send a CV to Rebecca Rees.───如果你符合这些要求,送一份履历给丽贝卡·里斯。

2、Patrick Imbardelli is not the first top executive to leave his employer over his CV and he will not be the last.───帕特里克•因巴德利 (Patrick Imbardelli)不是首位因履历问题而被解雇的高级执行官,也不会是最后一个。

3、long list of jobs on her CV suggests a lack of stickability.───她简历上的那一长串工作说明她没长性。

4、Make sure you use the same paper as you used for your CV; it demonstrates professionalism.───确保你用的纸张与简历用的纸张是一样的。这是专业性的体现。

5、Architect Robin Partington has the Gherkin, the Razor (right), the Armadillo in Glasgow, and the Cucumber (above) on his CV.───建筑师罗宾·帕丁顿的简历上有小黄瓜,剃刀(右),格拉斯哥的犰狳和黄瓜(上)。

6、We will limit their contracts to three months, long enough to get something sensible on to their CV and to be able to give them a reference.───我们会把他们的合同限制在三个月,这个时间长度足以给他们的简历加上点有意义的内容,也足够给他们提供一种参考。

7、Then make a note of any questions you want to ask and have a note book and pen ready along with a copy of your CV.───然后记录下你想要问的问题;同时随身携带纸笔和你的简历。

8、get out of [^et aut Cv] She tried to get out of helping her mother.───逃避,摆脱她尽量逃避帮助她的妈妈。

9、And whatever you do, do not spend time improving your CV. It sounds as if your CV is fine as it is.───还有,不管你做什么,别把时间花在为简历增色上。听上去你的简历似乎已经相当不错了。

cv. (英语使用场景)

1、Applicants are asked to send in a CV and a covering letter.

2、You could always send your CV to a few companies on spec.

3、Send your CV and a covering letter to the address below.

4、Use high-quality paper to give your CV a more professional look.

5、Send your CV with a covering letter.

6、Check the accuracy of everything in your CV.

7、Send them a copy of your CV.

8、Please send a full CV, quoting the appropriate reference.

9、Send a full CV with your job application.