current capacitycurrent capacity

current capacity

current capacity (意思翻译)


current capacity (相似词语短语)

1、same capacity───相同容量

2、current───adj.现在的;流通的,通用的;最近的;草写的;n.(水,气,电)流;趋势;涌流;n. (Current)(英)柯伦特(人名)

3、battery capacity───[电]电池容量;[电]蓄电池容量

4、excess capacity───超额生产能力;过剩设备

5、testamentary capacity───立遗嘱的法定资格;遗嘱能力


7、capacity management───[计] 容量管理

8、capacity planning───产能计划;容量规划;容量规划;产能计划

9、carrying capacity───n.载流容量,承载能力; 载重; 载量;[力][铁路]承载能力;载运容量

current capacity (双语使用场景)

1、To increase your energy, you must stretch it beyond its current capacity , and then recover it.───要提高你的精力,你必须使它超越其目前的能力,然后恢复它。

2、As part of our current growth strategy, we are seeking to add software Engineer to enhance our current capacity of software development.───作为公司近期发展战略的一部分,我们寻求一位软件工程师以提高公司软件开发的能力。

3、The line's current capacity depends on its machinery, thermodynamics, and electromagnetism characteristics remarkably.───线路的输送容量很大程度上取决于线路的机械特性、电磁特性和热力学特性。

4、To assist the administrator when configuring a grid limit, a Current Capacity Consumption chart is provided, shown in Figure 1.───为了帮助管理员配置网格限制,提供了一个当前容量占用 (Current Capacity Consumption)图表,如图1所示。

5、Current capacity: 650 megawatts.───当前容量:650兆瓦。

6、The company estimates that its current capacity will not meet the growing demand and has decided to proceed with this expansion plan.───该公司预计其现有产量将无法满足日益增长的需要,于是决定开展这个扩建计划。

7、"Fa" the definition is in the fluid system, uses for to control the fluid the direction, the pressure, the current capacity installment.───“阀”的定义是在流体XiTong中,用来控制流体的方向,压力,流量的装置。

8、In process, the surface accuracy is affected by motion parameters such as discharging current capacity and current impulse width.───在加工过程中,加工表面精度自然受到加工参数的影响,其中包括放电电流能量、电流脉冲宽度等的影响。

current capacity (英语使用场景)

1、The size of your dreams must always exceed your current capacity to achieve them. If your dreams do not scare you, they are not big enough.

2、The current staff will be retained in their current capacity after the merger.

3、The software design includes two parts: the current capacity computation model choice and the software programs.

4、Third, strengthens the customer current capacity management, alleviates the bottleneck pressure.

5、When glances over the homepage, the computer surfer current capacity is big?

6、Features: Low saturation voltage, large current capacity and wide ASO.

7、Why does the current capacity of Baidu have so much?

8、Current capacity: Glacial acetic acid 600 k ton, Ethyl acetate ton.

9、Features: Large current capacity , low VCE ( sat ), wide ASO.