a.v. (意思翻译)
a.v. (相似词语短语)
1、williams sonoma.com───威廉姆斯。索玛网
2、wolfram alpha.com───钨阿尔法网
3、a.d.───abbr.(拉)公元 (Anno Domini)
4、opinionated india.com───固执己见的印度网
a.v. (双语使用场景)
1、From now on, this is going to be our outfit: one-piece silver jumpsuit with a V-stripe on the chest and boots. That's it.───从现在起,这个将会是我们的制服:胸部和靴子处印有v型条纹的银色连身裤,就是它了。
2、"No matter how good a V. C. I could be, " he said, "I could never be smarter than the wisdom of a collective community. "───“不管我能成为多优秀的一个VC,”他说,“我永远没法与人们的集体智慧相匹敌。”
3、The change tendency of proline content of H. fulva first increased and then decreased, and that of Z. japonica was in a "V" shape.───脯氨酸含量萱草呈先升高后下降,结缕草则是先下降再升高的过程。
4、An uptick in production for restocking might look like the beginning of a "V-shaped" recovery.───增加库存导致产量提高或许看上去就像“V形”复苏的开始。
5、Its global equity strategist, Andrew Garthwaite, published a report saying any stock recovery was more likely to look like a W than a V.───瑞信全球股票策略师加斯威特 (Andrew Garthwaite)发表研究报告说,股市的任何反弹都更可能是W型,而非V型。
6、any serious lover of the arts will tell you, the publication's online A.V. Club features exceptionally good arts reporting (as well as a trove of erudite user comments).───出版的在线杂志《视听俱乐部》 (A V Club),据一些严肃的艺术爱好者声称,这份杂志不仅艺术报道做得异常出色,而且就连在文章后面闪耀着智慧光芒的用户评论中都能找到不少真知灼见哦!
7、"I would not call it a robust recovery, but we are forecasting a V-shaped recovery, " says Mr Lee.───“我不会称之为强劲复苏,但我们正预期一种V型复苏,”李钟和表示。
a.v. (英语使用场景)
1、Lecture Theatre A/V equipment including slide projectors, cine projectors and P/A system.
2、She also helps to produce a user guide for A/V workshops.
3、Both animals were the only Rottweilers in the open class to gain a V rating.
4、The geese were flying in a V.
5、She cut the material into a V.
6、On a two-deck trolley to his right a V.D.U. stood above a computer keyboard.
7、She extended the forefingers of her right hand in a V, and jabbed at Rodriguez's faceplate.
8、Ducks flew overhead in a V.
9、It was also the cradle of the nation's aircraft industry, starting with A V Roe's historic flight in 1908.